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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Aires barrocos

Catálogo: Harmonia Mundi - Edigsa 05L0136 5
Edición: 1981

- Dietrich Buxtehude: Singet dem Herrn
- Georg F. Haendel: Süsse Stille
- Bonifatio Gratiani: Salve Regina
- William Boyce: From the mountains, Io! she comes. Tell me lovely shepherd
- Anónimo: O death rock me esleep
- Thomas Morley: With my love my life was nestled
- Alfonso Bales (atribuido a): Chloris sigh'd
- Henry Purcell: The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation

Honor Shepard (soprano)
Robert Eliot (órgano y clavecín)
Desmond Dupré (laúd y viola de gamba)
Clarence Myerscough e Irvine Ardit (violines)

Parte 1 flac
Parte 2 flac
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