La figura de Andrés Segovia cubrió casi todo el siglo XX. En sus manos la guitarra cobró carta de naturaleza como instrumento sinfónico. Sus “glissandos”, el vibrato y la calidad de sus trinos son inigualables. Sus primeras grabaciones son de 1927. La que presento aquí es una de las primeras que realizó para la técnica del microsurco, a comienzos de los años 1950, para la Decca Records de Estados Unidos. El disco contiene cuatro piezas muy frecuentes en los programas de sus recitales: la Sonata de Domenico Scarlatti, la Romanza de Paganini, la Danza Española nº 5 de Granados y Sevilla, de la Suite Iberia de Albéniz, estas dos últimas transcritas por el propio Segovia.
(Nota: disco re-subido tras remasterizar las pistas)
The figure of Andrés Segovia filled almost all the 20th century. The guitar reached the category of symphonic instrument when played by him. His “glissando”, the vibrato and the quality of his trills are unsurpassable. His early records date back to 1927. The one I present here is one of the firsts he performed for the microgroove technique, by the beginning of the 50s, for Decca Records USA. The disk collects four pieces very frequent in his recitals: the Domenico Scarlatti’ Sonata, the Paganini’s Romanza, the Granados’ Spanish Dance n. 5 and the Albeniz’s Seville (from the Iberian Suite), these last ones transcribed by Segovia himself.
(Note: disk re-uploaded after re-mastering the tracks)
Catálogo (Catalog): Columbia (Decca) SCGE 8004
Edición (Edition): sin fecha/no date (1954?)
Cara (Side) 1
01 Sonata (D. Scarlatti)
02 Romanza (N. Paganini)
Cara (Side) 2
03 Danza Española nº 5 (Granados – Segovia)
04 Sevilla (Albéniz – Segovia)
(Nota: disco re-subido tras remasterizar las pistas)
The figure of Andrés Segovia filled almost all the 20th century. The guitar reached the category of symphonic instrument when played by him. His “glissando”, the vibrato and the quality of his trills are unsurpassable. His early records date back to 1927. The one I present here is one of the firsts he performed for the microgroove technique, by the beginning of the 50s, for Decca Records USA. The disk collects four pieces very frequent in his recitals: the Domenico Scarlatti’ Sonata, the Paganini’s Romanza, the Granados’ Spanish Dance n. 5 and the Albeniz’s Seville (from the Iberian Suite), these last ones transcribed by Segovia himself.
(Note: disk re-uploaded after re-mastering the tracks)
Catálogo (Catalog): Columbia (Decca) SCGE 8004
Edición (Edition): sin fecha/no date (1954?)
Cara (Side) 1
01 Sonata (D. Scarlatti)
02 Romanza (N. Paganini)
Cara (Side) 2
03 Danza Española nº 5 (Granados – Segovia)
04 Sevilla (Albéniz – Segovia)
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