Resulta totalmente superfluo insistir en la importancia que las cantatas tienen en la obra de Johann Sebastian Bach.
Este disco contiene la Cantata 130, escrita para la fiesta de San Miguel. Bach divide la orquesta en tres grupos: cuerdas, oboes y trompetas con timbales, logrando asombrosos efectos tímbricos.
La Cantata 101, para el 15º domingo después de la fiesta de la Trinidad, es una obra dramática que emplea un amplio desarrollo instrumental, además del coro y cuatro solistas.
Finalmente, la Cantata 67, para el primer domingo después de Pascua, es quizás una de las cantadas más hermosas salidas de la inspiración del Kantor de Leipzig.
It is completely superfluous to insist on the importance of the cantatas in the works of Johann Sebastian Bach.
This album contains the Cantata 130, written for the Feast of San Michael. Bach divides the orchestra into three groups: strings, oboes and trumpets with timpani, achieving astonishing timbral effects.
The Cantata 101, for the 15th Sunday after the feast of the Trinity, is a play that uses a large instrumental development, as well as choir and four soloists.
Finally, the Cantata 67, for the first Sunday after Easter, is perhaps one of the most beautiful coral outputs of the inspiration of the Kantor of Leipzig.
This album contains the Cantata 130, written for the Feast of San Michael. Bach divides the orchestra into three groups: strings, oboes and trumpets with timpani, achieving astonishing timbral effects.
The Cantata 101, for the 15th Sunday after the feast of the Trinity, is a play that uses a large instrumental development, as well as choir and four soloists.
Finally, the Cantata 67, for the first Sunday after Easter, is perhaps one of the most beautiful coral outputs of the inspiration of the Kantor of Leipzig.
Elly Ameling, soprano
Helen Watts, mezzosoprano
Werner Krens., tenor
Tom Krause, bajo
Orquesta de la Suise Romande
Dir. Ernest Ansermet
Catálogo (Catalogue): Decca SXL 6392
Edición (Edition): 1970
Cara (Side) 1
01 Cantata nº 130, Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, BWV 139
02 Cantata nº 101, Nimm von uns Herr, du treuer Gott, BWV 101
Cara (Side) 2
03 Cantata nº 101 (final)
04 Cantata nº 67, Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67