(Nota: Disco de la colección de Chanito Ponce, enviado por Lydia Ramírez para compartir con todos ustedes)
Enrico Caruso (The Great Caruso) has the honor of being the first opera singer to record discs. The recording of Vesti la giubba in 1902 was a sale of more than a million records. The disc that we present today is a technical reconstruction of those first recordings of an artist that Toscanini considered the most portentous voice of his time and today is considered one of the greatest tenors of all time.
(Note: Disc from the Chanito Ponce’s collection, sent by Lydia Ramirez to share with you all)
Catálogo (Catalogue): RCA-Victor SP-33-75 (USA)
Edición (Edition): sin fecha/no date (195?)